Ancient Pirates Online - Monster Database

Monster Database

Id Monster name Level AI Health Points Experience
910 Ossein Ship 1 1 10 0
909 Coral Ship 2 1 10 0
908 Skeletar Ship 3 1 10 0
907 Oceania Meteorite 10 1 10 0
906 Sorcery Ore 9 1 10 0
905 Diamond 8 1 10 0
904 Fascinating Gem 7 1 10 0
903 Strange Metal 6 1 10 0
902 Gold Ore 5 1 10 0
901 Silver Ore 4 1 10 0
900 Crystal 3 1 10 0
899 Bronze Ore 2 1 10 0
898 Iron Ore 1 1 10 0
897 Water Willow 10 1 10 0
896 Crimson Ceiba 9 1 10 0
895 Jade Sandal 8 1 10 0
894 Fir 7 1 10 0
893 Flower Pear 6 1 10 0
892 Rue 5 1 10 0
891 Metal Norite 4 1 10 0
890 Tusk Softwood 3 1 10 0
889 Lavender Core Wood 2 1 10 0
888 Defoliate Pine 1 1 10 0
887 Material Generator 0 1 25 0
886 Black Dragon Ami 75 10 800 000 10 500
885 Black Dragon Phyllis 75 10 800 000 10 500
884 Black Dragon Carsise 75 10 1 000 000 16 000
883 Black Dragon Lance 75 10 800 000 15 500
882 Boiler 0 1 25 0
881 Ami Seal Master Phantom 80 10 30 000 10 000
880 Ami Cleric Phantom 41 10 2 500 1 264
879 Ami Newbie Phantom 10 10 200 55
878 Phyllis Cleric Phantom 82 10 20 000 10 000
877 Phyllis Sharpshooter Phantom 81 10 20 000 10 000
876 Phyllis Explorer Phantom 51 10 2 500 2 220
875 Phyllis Newbie Phantom 10 10 200 55
874 Carsise Champion Phantom 80 10 50 000 50 000
873 Carsise Swordsman Phantom 51 10 4 000 2 220
872 Carsise Newbie Phantom 10 10 500 55
871 Lance Voyager Phantom 70 10 20 000 18 000
870 Lance Crusader Phantom 80 10 20 000 20 000
869 Lance Hunter Phantom 50 10 2 700 2 109
868 Lance Newbie Phantom 10 10 300 55
867 Matchstick 300 1 5 275 0
866 X Machine 300 1 5 275 0
861 Expert Chaos Chest 0 1 50 000 0
860 Standard Chaos Chest 0 1 50 000 0
859 Novice Chaos Chest 0 1 50 000 0
858 Lady Boss 25 10 3 423 1 314
857 Revived Soul of Goddess 70 10 1 200 000 3 600 000

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Level: From To