Ancient Pirates Online - Special Gas

Special Gas

Special Gas
Mixture of gases


Type Common item
Level 0
Race Any
Profession Any
Price 50
Traded Yes
Discard Yes
Banked Yes
Picked Yes
Stackable By 99



Dropped from

Id Monster name Level % Quest?
962 Ice Guard 78 50,00 No
225 White Owlie 32 11,20 No
52 Cursed Corpse 59 10,00 No
823 Hell Mummy A 70 10,00 No
824 Hell Mummy B 70 10,00 No
38 Tribal Shaman 55 10,00 No
47 Palace Guard 57 9,00 No
825 Hell Corpse A 75 7,00 No
41 Iron Mummy 53 7,00 No
1618 µШУьЅ©К¬ТТ 75 7,00 No
1617 µШУьЅ©К¬јЧ 75 7,00 No
1621 ВеїЛЛАЖН±ы 87 7,00 No
1620 ВеїЛЛАЖНТТ 86 7,00 No
1619 ВеїЛЛАЖНјЧ 85 7,00 No
1615 МъЅ©К¬ 53 7,00 No
267 Undead Warrior 52 6,00 No
271 Werewolf Warrior 42 5,00 No
249 Tribal Villager 43 4,00 No

Level: from to

Level: From To