Ancient Pirates Online - °ІДЭЕ®НхёґірєЕ


Level 85
Health Points 1 500 000
Damage 3 600-5 400
Defense 400
Dodge 1 050
HP recovery 900
Radius of the review 1 200
Radius of the prosecution 1 500
Strength 155
Accuracy 155
Spirit 155
Ai = 10 Attacks
Spirit Points 30 000
Physical resist 60
Hit rate 1 200
Crit rate 30
SP recovery 1 000
Attack speed 1 500
Movement speed 700
Agility 155
Constitution 155
Experience 10 000

Skill list

Id Skill name Description %
298   Evil Attack Monster Skill 70
27   Cannon Shot Fragments will deal damage to targets within range 30

Drop list

Id Item name Level % Quest?
182 Dragon Key 0 100,00 No
6362 Plush Bear Carsise Suit 0 50,00 No
7251 Ancient Argent Mango 0 33,33 No
7249 Ancient Icespire Plum 0 33,33 No
7248 Ancient Snow Dragon Fruit 0 33,33 No
7250 Ancient Zephyr Fish Floss 0 33,33 No
6361 Plush Bear Carsise Cap 0 15,02 No
6360 Plush Bear Lance Paw 0 15,02 No
6727 eQual Carsise Boots 0 5,56 No

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