Ancient Pirates Online - Items Database

Items Database

Id Name Description Level Type
6702 Coat of Buccaneer Black 0 Armor
6701 Alluring Grand Boots Pink 0 Shoe
6700 Alluring Grand Gloves Pink 0 Gloves
6699 Alluring Grand Robe Pink 0 Armor
6698 Victory Scroll It is a testament to the strength and unity of a guild compared with an individual. 0 Common item
6697 eQual Lance Helm 2 Ancient Helm Apparel 0 Headgear
6696 Carsise Iron Man - Robe 0 Armor
6695 Ninja-Robe(Carsise) їбЧ° 0 27
6694 ABC-Robe(Carsise) їбЧ° 0 27
6693 Paper Shoes 0 Shoe
6692 Paper Gloves 0 Gloves
6691 Paper Armor 0 Armor
6690 Paper Hat 0 Headgear
6689 Atsumi's Robe-Ami 0 Armor
6688 Rocco Shoes 0 Shoe
6687 Rocco Gloves 0 Gloves
6686 Rocco Armor 0 Armor
6685 Shanzie Shoes 0 Shoe
6684 Shanzie Gloves 0 Gloves
6683 Shanzie Armor 0 Armor
6682 Shanzie Hat 0 Headgear
6681 Business boots - Phyllis їбЧ° 0 Shoe
6680 Business Gloves - Phyllis їбЧ° 0 Gloves
6679 Business Armor - Phyllis їбЧ° 0 Armor
6678 Business Helm - Phyllis їбЧ° 0 Headgear
6677 Business Boots - Lance їбЧ° 0 Shoe
6676 Business Gloves - Lance їбЧ° 0 Gloves
6675 Business Armor - Lance їбЧ° 0 Armor
6674 Business Helm - Lance їбЧ° 0 Headgear
6673 Ninja-Shoes їбЧ° 0 Shoe
6672 Ninja-Gloves їбЧ° 0 Gloves
6671 Ninja-Robe їбЧ° 0 Armor
6670 Ninja-Hat їбЧ° 0 Headgear
6669 ABC-Shoes їбЧ° 0 Shoe
6668 ABC-Gloves їбЧ° 0 Gloves
6667 ABC-Robe їбЧ° 0 Armor
6666 ABC-Hat їбЧ° 0 Headgear
6665 Aegis of Gods 0 Shield
6664 Lv 75 Ring Ticket Double click to randomly obtain a level 75 ring. 0 Recovery Type
6663 Lv 65 Ring Ticket Double click to randomly obtain a level 65 ring. 0 Recovery Type
6662 Savage Lord's Head 75 Ring
6661 Eos' Dawn 75 Ring
6660 Coeus 75 Ring
6659 Nemosyne's Memory 75 Ring
6658 Rhea's Blessing 75 Ring
6657 Athena's Power 75 Ring
6656 Neptun's Guard 75 Ring
6655 Phoebe 75 Ring
6654 Sia 75 Ring
6653 Krono 75 Ring

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