Ancient Pirates Online - Items Database

Items Database

Id Name Description Level Type
3308 Black Market Equipment Equipment bought from Black Market Merchant. Need to wipe it clean to see what it is. Double click to start cleaning 0 Recovery Type
3307 Black Market Equipment Equipment bought from Black Market Merchant. Need to wipe it clean to see what it is. Double click to start cleaning 0 Recovery Type
3306 Black Market Equipment Equipment bought from Black Market Merchant. Need to wipe it clean to see what it is. Double click to start cleaning 0 Recovery Type
3305 Black Market Equipment Equipment bought from Black Market Merchant. Need to wipe it clean to see what it is. Double click to start cleaning 0 Recovery Type
3304 Black Market Equipment Equipment bought from Black Market Merchant. Need to wipe it clean to see what it is. Double click to start cleaning 0 Recovery Type
3303 Black Market Equipment Equipment bought from Black Market Merchant. Need to wipe it clean to see what it is. Double click to start cleaning 0 Recovery Type
3302 Black Market Equipment Equipment bought from Black Market Merchant. Need to wipe it clean to see what it is. Double click to start cleaning 0 Recovery Type
3301 Crystalline Blessing Make self immune to melee and skill attack. However no other action can be taken. For Herbalist only 0 34
3300 Intense Magic Increases magic power. Requires 1 Magical Clover per use 0 34
3299 Repair Life skill: Ability to fix and repair things 0 35
3298 Roar 0 34
3297 Taunt 0 34
3296 Set Stall Life skill: Ability to set up roadside stalls 0 35
3295 Salvage Life skill: Essential for sea survival 0 35
3294 Fishing Life skill: Essential for sea survival 0 35
3293 Tiger Roar 0 34
3292 Wowo's Letter Letters to friends from Wowo 0 Quest Item
3291 Golden Apple Level should be at least 60. It can increase EXP of Study ability. Lasts 30 minutes. 0 Recovery Type
3290 Intelligence fruit Level should be at least 40. It can increase EXP of Study ability. Lasts 30 minutes. 0 Recovery Type
3289 Student card A Student Card 0 Manufacturing
3288 Study skill book Lifeskill, gain experience by reading books and passing tests. 0 34
3287 Laptop Computer Notebook computer can increase experience you gain while studying if it is equipped in your off hand. 0 Shield
3286 WenQuXing Increases ship fuel capacity. Requires 51935 navigation experience points 0 Shield
3285 Calculator Notebook computer can increase experience you gain while studying if it is equipped in your off hand. 0 Shield
3284 abacus Increases ship fuel capacity. Requires 9855 navigation experience points 0 Shield
3283 pencil Increases ship fuel capacity. Requires 2465 navigation experience points 0 Shield
3282 Answer sheet of level up exam The Promotion Examination test paper. The score depends on your performance. 0 65
3281 Promotion Examination Report Card A list that records the scores gained in upgrade examinations. You'd better not modify the scores. 0 65
3280 Leveling Examination Paper That's essential for the test. Don't lose it. 0 65
3279 Report Card These are the results of your test. You can't change your grade. 0 65
3278 Useful tactic information for Voyager A Navigator's experience book 70 Sword
3277 Useful tactic information for SealMaster A spellbook about the SealMaster's battle experiences. 70 Sword
3276 Useful skill information for Cleric A book that records Cleric's combat experience 70 Sword
3275 Useful tactic information for SharpShooter Sharpshooter's battle experience book 70 Sword
3274 Useful skill information for Champion The book recorded Champion's experiences. 70 Sword
3273 Useful tactic information for Crusader A book that records Crusader's combat experience 70 Sword
3272 Expert Voyager Study Book A book that records Voyager's advanced skills 60 Sword
3271 Expert SealMaster Study book A spellbook about the SealMaster's senior tips. 60 Sword
3270 Expert Cleric study book A book that records Cleric's advanced skills 60 Sword
3269 Expert SharpShooter Study Book Sharpshooter's Senior Skill book 60 Sword
3268 Expert Champion Study Book Champion's Senior spellbook 60 Sword
3267 Crusader expert read A spellbook about the Crusader's senior tips. 60 Sword
3266 Standard Voyager study book A book that records Voyager's medium skill 50 Sword
3265 Standard SealMaster study book Seal Master's junior spellbook 50 Sword
3264 Standard Cleric study book The book is about the standard Cleric's study. 50 Sword
3263 Standard SharpShooter study book A book that records Sharpshooter's medium skill 50 Sword
3262 Standard Champion study book A book that records Champion's medium skill 50 Sword
3261 Standard Crusader Study Book Crusader's junior spellbook 50 Sword
3260 Novice Voyager study book A book that records Voyager's basic skills 40 Sword
3259 Novice Sealmaster study book A book that records Seal Master's junior skill 40 Sword

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