Ancient Pirates Online - Items Database

Items Database

Id Name Description Level Type
7767 Nightmare Demonic Dice Dice blessed by Nightmare Demonic angels. Have the power to remove Cursed points from Demonic Dragon Altar. 0 66
7766 Demonic Power of Frost Demonic Power of Frost. Required item to remove the seal on the Demonic Dragon Altar 0 66
7765 Demonic Power of Thunder Demonic Power of Thunder. Required item to remove the seal on the Demonic Dragon Altar 0 66
7764 Demonic Power of Wind Demonic Power of Wind. Required item to remove the seal on the Demonic Dragon Altar 0 66
7763 Demonic Power of Flame Demonic Power of Flame. Required item to remove the seal on the Demonic Dragon Altar 0 66
2511 Crown of Ancient Kings Upgrade It is need to improve Crown of Ancient Kings 0 66
271 Angelic Dice Dice blessed by angels. Have the power to remove Cursed points 0 66
270 Power of Frost Power of Frost. Required item to remove the seal on the Black Dragon Altar 0 66
269 Power of Thunder Power of Thunder. Required item to remove the seal on the Black Dragon Altar 0 66
268 Power of Wind Power of Wind. Required item to remove the seal on the Black Dragon Altar 0 66
267 Power of Flame Power of Flame. Required item to remove the seal on the Black Dragon Altar 0 66

Level: from to

Level: From To