Ancient Pirates Online - Items Database

Items Database

Id Name Description Level Type
3065 Voodoo Stick 0 Recovery Type
3064 Rotten Meat 0 Recovery Type
3063 Tooth of Fox Immortal 0 Recovery Type
3062 Scrap of Rotten Meat 0 Recovery Type
3046 Power Sail Triangle sail that increase ship's movement speed for 15 mins 0 Recovery Type
3045 Sticky Rice Dumpling Character will obtain hp recovery of 35% 0 Recovery Type
3044 Bean Paste Dumpling Greatly raises walking speed, last for 15 minutes 0 Recovery Type
3043 Egg Yolk Dumpling Defense will be raised by 60 in 10 minutes 0 Recovery Type
3039 Level pushing Machine For level 70 and below players only. Players will obtain 5 times bonus experience after usage. 0 Recovery Type
3037 Warm Dumpling Double click to obtain 50 experience points 0 Recovery Type
3036 Taurus Guardian Scroll After starting Bloody Taurus - Taurus Doomsday quest, you can summon Taurus Protector in the combat zone 0 Recovery Type
3035 Taurus Captain Apparel Chest Open the chest and you'll obtain your very own Taurus Apparel set 0 Recovery Type
3024 Church Visit Ticket On 5:00pm-5:10pm EST every Monday evening, you can double click to enter the Mosque. 0 Recovery Type
3016 Black Dragon Phantom summoning scroll Double click to summon a scary Black Dragon Phantom 0 Recovery Type
3015 Fox Spirit summon scroll Double click to summon Fox Demon 0 Recovery Type
3014 Pirate Captain 008 Summoning Scroll Double click to summon a scary Pirate Captain 008 0 Recovery Type
3013 Evil Tribal Chieftian summon scroll Double click to summon a scary Evil Tribal Chieftian 0 Recovery Type
3012 Lizardman Warrior Commander Summon Scroll Double click to summon a scary Lizardman Warrior Commander 0 Recovery Type
3011 Lucky Card Chest Double click to receive a alphabet card. 0 Recovery Type
3009 Pincer Shoes 60 Recovery Type
3008 Prawn Shoes 55 Recovery Type
3005 Big Crab Shoes 35 Recovery Type
3004 Duckling Shoes 40 Recovery Type
3003 Playful Racoon Shoes 25 Recovery Type
3002 Tail Grass Dog shaped grass 0 Recovery Type
2996 Wind Boots 50 Recovery Type
2995 Whirlpool Boots 60 Recovery Type
2994 Hurricane Boots 55 Recovery Type
2993 Mastman Boots 45 Recovery Type
2992 Deckman Boots 40 Recovery Type
2991 Oarsman Boots 30 Recovery Type
2990 Scroll of White Sheep Guardian Obtain quest \"Vampiric Aries - Sleeping Aries\" will allow you to meet Aries Guardian without going to Cupid Isle by double clicking on it 0 Recovery Type
2989 Super Sushi Super sushi, superb taste 0 Recovery Type
2988 Famous Cake Double click to obtain 3000 Honor and 9999 reputation points 0 Recovery Type
2955 Aries Captain Apparel Chest Open this chest to obtain a set of Aries apparel 0 Recovery Type
2953 Grand Exp Gift After reaching Lvl 7, double click to obtain 3 percent of exp. Tip: don't use it until you reach higher level 0 Recovery Type
2951 Chaos Bonus Book Increases 10 Chaos points 0 Recovery Type
2926 Death's Burden Bundle left by Death. Double click to obtain Melancholy of Tidal or Sealed Soul of Asura 0 Recovery Type
2925 Death's Burden Bundle left by Death. Double click to obtain Melancholy of Drakan or Sealed Soul of Styx 0 Recovery Type
2924 Death's Burden Bundle left by Death. Double click to obtain Melancholy of Despair or Sealed Soul of Abyss 0 Recovery Type
2923 Death's Burden Bundle left by Death. Double click to obtain Melancholy of Phoenix or Sealed Soul of Abaddon 0 Recovery Type
2922 Death's Burden Bundle left by Death. Double click to obtain Melancholy of Tyran or Sealed Soul of Hardin 0 Recovery Type
2921 Death's Burden Bundle left by Death. Double click to obtain Melancholy of Evil Beast or Sealed Soul of Hardin 0 Recovery Type
2920 Death's Burden Bundle left by Death. Double click to obtain Melancholy of Demon Flame or Sealed Soul of Abaddon 0 Recovery Type
2919 Death's Burden Bundle left by Death. Double click to obtain Melancholy of Phantom Baron or Sealed Soul of Darkness 0 Recovery Type
2916 Chest of Fate Mysterious gift of Valentine's Day. 0 Recovery Type
2915 Chest of Gown The 2 sets of wedding gown are kept inside. This box will generate the attire according to the character type who opens it, so do not open for others! 0 Recovery Type
2910 TOP Auspicious Bag Thank you for your continunous support of Pirate King Online! 0 Recovery Type
2909 Lucky Piggy Chest Will Piggy God bless you? Open it up to take a look! 0 Recovery Type
2908 Lucky Piggy Clover Mysterious clover that can bring good luck 0 Recovery Type

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