Ancient Pirates Online - Items Database

Items Database

Id Name Description Level Type
5284 Barborosa's Fork Fork stained with Barborosa's saliva. Hence its only as a collector's item 0 Sword
5283 Barborosa's Knife Made of mirthril metal. Barborosa stole it from a magical restaurant 0 Sword
5278 Branch of Defecate Its so smelly, who would use it >_ 0 Sword
5276 Foldable Chair It is not known whether the Foldable Chair is the one used by The God of Cookery. 0 Sword
5213 August Sword 2 0 Sword
5208 August Sword 1 0 Sword
5105 Nefarious Falchion 0 Sword
5104 Phantom Falchion 0 Sword
5103 Crystal Falchion 0 Sword
5101 Katana 0 Sword
5100 Long Falchion 0 Sword
5099 Falchion 0 Sword
5070 Sword of Cadaver 0 Sword
5008 Sword of Azure Thunder 0 Sword
5007 Sword of Crimson Flame 0 Sword
5002 Sword of Crimson Thunder 0 Sword
5001 Sword of Azure Flame 0 Sword
4290 Sealed Ice-covered Fury SnowBlade 85 Sword
4283 Sealed Light Ice-covered Sword 85 Sword
4281 Ice-covered Fury SnowBlade 85 Sword
4274 Light Ice-covered Sword 85 Sword
4213 Swift Lightning 65 Sword
4212 Ember Scar 65 Sword
3801 Sword of the Kylin Cannot be traded or dropped 60 Sword
3800 Spike of Sistine Cannot be traded or dropped 50 Sword
3799 Sword of the Tempest Cannot be traded or dropped 40 Sword
3798 Blade of Crimson Flame Cannot be traded or dropped 30 Sword
3663 Demonic Dragon Passion He who bears the Demonic Dragon Passion sword is looked upon as a god. 110 Sword
3655 Dusty Demonic Dragon Passion A Demonic Dragon Passion sword that's covered in dust. Wash it clean to release its power. 100 Sword
3609 Virgo's Sword 95 Sword
3568 Dragon Fury Blade 120 Sword
3560 Dragon Sword 120 Sword
3546 Fearless Sword 10 Sword
3539 Fearless Blade 10 Sword
3485 Heaven Sword A holy sword from heaven. 95 Sword
3278 Useful tactic information for Voyager A Navigator's experience book 70 Sword
3277 Useful tactic information for SealMaster A spellbook about the SealMaster's battle experiences. 70 Sword
3276 Useful skill information for Cleric A book that records Cleric's combat experience 70 Sword
3275 Useful tactic information for SharpShooter Sharpshooter's battle experience book 70 Sword
3274 Useful skill information for Champion The book recorded Champion's experiences. 70 Sword
3273 Useful tactic information for Crusader A book that records Crusader's combat experience 70 Sword
3272 Expert Voyager Study Book A book that records Voyager's advanced skills 60 Sword
3271 Expert SealMaster Study book A spellbook about the SealMaster's senior tips. 60 Sword
3270 Expert Cleric study book A book that records Cleric's advanced skills 60 Sword
3269 Expert SharpShooter Study Book Sharpshooter's Senior Skill book 60 Sword
3268 Expert Champion Study Book Champion's Senior spellbook 60 Sword
3267 Crusader expert read A spellbook about the Crusader's senior tips. 60 Sword
3266 Standard Voyager study book A book that records Voyager's medium skill 50 Sword
3265 Standard SealMaster study book Seal Master's junior spellbook 50 Sword
3264 Standard Cleric study book The book is about the standard Cleric's study. 50 Sword

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