Ancient Pirates Online - Power of Wind

Power of Wind

Power of Wind
Power of Wind. Required item to remove the seal on the Black Dragon Altar


Type 66
Level 0
Race Any
Profession Any
Price 180
Traded Yes
Discard Yes
Banked Yes
Picked Yes
Stackable By 99



Dropped from

Id Monster name Level % Quest?
1247 Kara's Daughter of Goddess 135 100,00 No
1248 Kara's Pet 135 100,00 No
1246 Kara's Son 135 100,00 No
857 Revived Soul of Goddess 70 100,00 No
815 Black Jewel 75 20,00 No
794 Tempest Dragon 75 20,00 No
988 Abyss Supreme - Kara 200 13,00 No
883 Black Dragon Lance 75 5,00 No

Level: from to

Level: From To