Ancient Pirates Online - Abyss Lord - Demon Flame

Abyss Lord - Demon Flame

Abyss Lord - Demon Flame
Level 140
Health Points 3 000 000
Damage 3 200-4 800
Defense 200
Dodge 200
HP recovery 100
Radius of the review 3 000
Radius of the prosecution 0
Strength 145
Accuracy 215
Spirit 75
Ai = 22 Attacks
Spirit Points 10 000
Physical resist 40
Hit rate 500
Crit rate 10
SP recovery 1 000
Attack speed 1 500
Movement speed 700
Agility 75
Constitution 355
Experience 5 000 000

Skill list

Id Skill name Description %
31   Firegun None 80
96   Headshot Precise shot, causes direct damage to the head area. Ignore Defense and adding a certain % of damage based on target's remanini 20
94   Cripple Decreases movement speed and dodge rate of target 0
95   Enfeeble Decreases target's attack power and disable target from using skill 0

Drop list

Id Item name Level % Quest?
2337 Abaddon Vanquisher 75 5,00 No
2338 Abaddon Vanquisher 75 5,00 No
2838 Chest of Abaddon 0 3,33 No
2579 Hell Feather 85 3,33 No
5848 Azrael's Aggregation 0 2,00 No
5849 Azrael's Dance 0 2,00 No
5845 Azrael's Glare 0 2,00 No
5847 Azrael's Light 0 2,00 No
5846 Undead Azrael 0 2,00 No
1003 Invocation Blueprint 0 0,50 No

Level: from to

Level: From To