Ancient Pirates Online - Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel
Level 55
Health Points 2 900
Damage 308-462
Defense 50
Dodge 183
HP recovery 6
Radius of the review 1 000
Radius of the prosecution 1 500
Strength 32
Accuracy 32
Spirit 114
Ai = 10 Attacks
Spirit Points 10 000
Physical resist 22
Hit rate 183
Crit rate 10
SP recovery 0
Attack speed 2 000
Movement speed 350
Agility 87
Constitution 32
Experience 2 701

Skill list

Id Skill name Description %
25   Bare Hand None 50
151   Guardian Angel None 50

Drop list

Id Item name Level % Quest?
4814 Angel Halo 0 64,94 No
4918 Broken Angel Wand 0 20,49 No
1647 Chaos Pill 0 6,00 No
3136 Snowy Soft Bud 0 3,00 No
1002 Sealed Blueprint 0 1,00 No
3391 Meteorite 0 0,50 No
2207 Otter Cap 50 0,40 No
555 Blessed Gloves 55 0,30 No

Level: from to

Level: From To