Ancient Pirates Online - С©Ф­ѕЮБъ


Level 110
Health Points 2 200 000
Damage 2 770-3 520
Defense 314
Dodge 350
HP recovery 500
Radius of the review 3 000
Radius of the prosecution 1 500
Strength 42
Accuracy 42
Spirit 42
Ai = 10 Attacks
Spirit Points 10 000
Physical resist 61
Hit rate 510
Crit rate 10
SP recovery 0
Attack speed 1 500
Movement speed 550
Agility 42
Constitution 42
Experience 50 000

Skill list

Id Skill name Description %
137   Icy Dragoon None 50
274   Dance of Icy Dragon Monster Skill 30
239   Kiss of Frost Boss Skill 10
236   Lair Boss Skill 10

Drop list

Id Item name Level % Quest?
885 Refining Gem 0 11,11 No
5752 Green Jade 0 5,26 No
9523 Pink VIP Necklace 10 5,26 No
5751 Red Jade 0 5,26 No
5750 Yellow Jade 0 5,26 No
9509 Colorful VIP Necklace 11 10 1,11 No
9511 Colorful VIP Necklace 11 10 1,11 No

Level: from to

Level: From To