Ancient Pirates Online - Sparkling Stone

Sparkling Stone

Sparkling Stone
A shining piece of stone that looks valuable


Type Common item
Level 0
Race Any
Profession Any
Price 245
Traded Yes
Discard Yes
Banked Yes
Picked Yes
Stackable By 99



Dropped from

Id Monster name Level % Quest?
660 Silk Shark 56 5,00 No
47 Palace Guard 57 3,50 No
42 Steel Mummy 54 3,00 No
267 Undead Warrior 52 3,00 No
1616 ёЦЅ©К¬ 54 3,00 No
667 Navy Rifleman 55 2,00 No
537 Sakura Pirate Sailor 51 2,00 No

Level: from to

Level: From To