Ancient Pirates Online - Sigil of Anubis

Sigil of Anubis

Sigil of Anubis
No description


Type Recovery Type
Level 0
Race Any
Profession Any
Price 45
Traded Yes
Discard Yes
Banked Yes
Picked Yes
Stackable By 99



Dropped from

Id Monster name Level % Quest?
190 Anubis 79 5,00 No
827 Hell Pharaoh A 80 5,00 No
828 Hell Pharaoh B 80 5,00 No
877 Phyllis Sharpshooter Phantom 81 2,00 No
873 Carsise Swordsman Phantom 51 1,00 No
869 Lance Hunter Phantom 50 1,00 No

Level: from to

Level: From To