Ancient Pirates Online - Long Sword

Long Sword

Long Sword
Sword that is slightly longer


Type Sword
Level 20
Race Lance Carsise Phyllis
Profession Новичок, Чемпион, Воитель, Мечник
Price 2 448
Traded Yes
Discard Yes
Banked Yes
Picked Yes
Stackable No


Strength + 0-10
Agility + 0-10
Accuracy + 0-10
Constitution + 0-10
Spirit + 0-10
Attack Speed + 5.0
Min. Attack + 56-80
Max. Attack + 70-98

Dropped from

Id Monster name Level % Quest?
229 Great King Clam 15 0,23 No
1134 Great King Clam 15 0,23 No
264 Tusk Battle Boar 23 0,23 No
292 Hard Crust Snail 22 0,13 No

Level: from to

Level: From To